Descriptions- EXPAT FILES SHOW #1132 SUN, MAR 13 (03-13-22)
#1- Going Naked- The case of Gringos without locally obtained Health Insurance:
Most gringos and expats who are over 65 can’t get private health insurance here in Latin America. At first it can be worrisome, but when they realize its a land of extraordinarily low medical costs many gringos accept it and don’t mind paying out of pocket.
Today we follow a 70 something gringo's “boots on the ground” journey for his doctor prescribed tests at a private hospital/clinic. He is one of those older guys who must pay out of pocket since he doesn’t qualify for an insurance plan.
#2- Little known facts and tips for Gringos and Expats with or without “private “Latin American healthcare insurance:
Most people don’t realize that Latin American "private" hospitals, clinics and laboratories are rated by local insurance companies as either “A”,”B” or “C”. So what’s the difference? Are the “A” rated ones better than the B’s or C’s? Which ones should gringos and expats select? Today we have all the dope and you’ll find out…
#3- The “luck of the Irish” in Latin America:
#4- Do you want to get into the exploding Crypto-currency world but don’t feel quite confident enough to dive in?
Our own Captain Mango has developed a unique one-on-one Crypto consulting and training service (he’s been deep into crypto since 2013). To get started, email him at:
#5- Be sure to pick up my newly updated, "LATIN AMERICAN HEALTHCARE REPORT":
The new edition for 2022 (and beyond) is available now, including the latest "Stem Cell Clinic" info and data and my top picks for the best treatment centers for expats and gringos. Just go to and click on the "Latin American Healthcare Report”.